Posts Tagged: free organ preludes for Christmas

Colours of Christmas, The (John Rutter Christmas preludes)

Let Our Gladness Have No End [Pojdzmy Wszy Sey] (Christmas from Czechoslovakia)

Come, Shepherds Come [Vamos pastores vamos] (Christmas from Spain)

Grant Us Peace [Dona Nobis Pacem] (Christmas from Italy)

Immortal Babe [Unsterbliches Babe] (Christmas from Germany, vol. I)

He is Born, the Divine Child [Il est ne divin Enfant] (Christmas from France, vol. II)

Up, Up Shepherds [Haut, haut peyote] (Christmas from France, vol. I)

Sing We Now of Christmas [Noel nouvelet] (Christmas from France, vol. I)

We Shepherds, Assembled Here [Ca, berber, assemblous-nous] (Christmas from France, vol. II)

Come Leave Your Sheep [Quittez, Pasteurs] (Christmas from France, vol. III)