- Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Ah, Dearest Jesus (Atonement)
- Alas! Did My Sovereign Die? (Atonement)
- All Glory, Laud and Honor (Resurrection)
- Alleluia! (Resurrection)
- Amazing Grace (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- As Now We Take the Sacrament (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- At the Lamb’s Feast (Atonement)
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Atonement)
- Christ Arose (Gethsemane)
- Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- Cross of Christ (Atonement)
- Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow (Easter organ preludes III)
- Day of Resurrection, The (Resurrection)
- Did Jesus Really Live Again? (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- Did You See Him in the Garden? (Gethsemane)
- Easter Bells Are Ringing (Gethsemane)
- Easter Hosanna (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Easter Morning (Gethsemane)
- Easter Plainsong (Atonement)
- Easter Song (Gethsemane)
- Empty Tomb, The (Gethsemane)
- Father in Heaven, We Do Believe (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- Gethsemane (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- Go to Dark Gethsemane (Gethsemane)
- God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Had I Been a Child (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Hail Thee! (Resurrection)
- He Died That We Might Live Again (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- He is Risen (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- He Sent His Son (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- Holy City, The (Atonement)
- Hosanna (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- I Stand All Amazed (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked (Gethsemane)
- In Humility, Our Savior (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- In Memory of the Crucified (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- It Is Well With My Soul (Gethsemane)
- Jesus Christ is Risen Today (Gethsemane)
- Jesus Christ is Risen Today (Resurrection)
- Jesus Has Risen (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- Jesus Lives (Resurrection)
- Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Jesus, the Crucified (Gethsemane)
- Joy Cometh in the Morning (Resurrection)
- King of Heaven (Resurrection)
- Lord, Here Am I (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- Lovely Flowers, The (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- Miracle, The (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- My Redeemer Lives (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Atonement)
- O Savior, What Are These Tears? (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- O Sorrow Deep (Atonement)
- On a Golden Springtime (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Passover of God, The (Atonement)
- Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- Redeeming Love (Gethsemane)
- Sing To God a Hymn of Gladness (Resurrection)
- Suffering Savior, The (Atonement)
- Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- There is a Green Hill Far Away (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- There is a Green Hill Far Away [Webbe] (Atonement)
- To God Be the Glory (Resurrection)
- Upon the Cross of Calvary (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Welcome, Happy Morning (Resurrection)
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- What Is This Thing That Men Call Death? (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- When He Comes Again (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Easter organ preludes, vol. III)
- While of These Emblems (Easter organ preludes, vol. I)
- While of These Emblems We Partake [Schreiner] (Easter organ preludes, vol. II)
- Who Shall Roll Away the Stone? (Resurrection)
Pioneer Day
- America the Beautiful (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- Arise, O God, and Shine (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Beautiful Zion, Built Above (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Come, All Ye Saints of Zion (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Come, Come Ye Saints (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- Come, O Thou King of Kings (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Covered Wagons (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- Crossing the Prairie by Oxcart (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Faith of our Fathers (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Great King of Heaven (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol II)
- Handcart Song, The (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol II)
- Little Pioneer Children (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- My Country, Tis of Thee (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- O Ye Mountains High (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- Pioneer Children Were Quick to Obey (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- They the Builders of the Nation (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. I)
- To Be a Pioneer (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Westward (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Whenever I Think About Pioneers (Our Heritage organ preludes, vol. II)
- Zion stands With Hills Surrounded (Our Heritage organ prelude, vol. I)
- Angels We Have Heard on High (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- As Lately We Watched (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Ave Maria [Vittoria] (Classical Christmas)
- Away in a Manger [Children’s Songbook] (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Away in a Manger [Hymn] (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Babe of Bethlehem, The (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Boy Was Born, A [Britten] (Classical Christmas)
- Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Christ Enthroned in Glory [Fritsch / Bach] (Classical Christmas)
- Christ, We Do Adore Thee [Dubois] (Classical Christmas)
- Christmas [Little Jesus and There Was Starlight] (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Christmas Bells (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Come, All Ye Shepherds (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Crown of Roses, The [Tchaikovsky] (Classical Christmas)
- Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- First Noel, The (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- From Starry Skies Thou Comest (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Fum, Fum, Fum (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Golden Carol, The (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Good King Wenceslas (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Hark! What Means Those Holy Voices [Bortniansky] (Classical Christmas)
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- I’m Standing Here At Thy Crib [Ich steh an deiner Krippe hier – Bach] (Classical Christmas)
- In Bethlehem, the Lowly (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- In The Bleak Mid-Winter [Holst] (Classical Christmas)
- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Joseph, O Dear Joseph Mine (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Joy to the World (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Joyful Christmas Song, A (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Lo, How a Rose (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Lovely is the Dark Blue Sky (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Lulapze Jezuniu [Polish Lullaby] (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Mary’s Lullaby (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Morning Star is Revealed, The [Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen – Praetorius] (Classical Christmas)
- My Sheep Were Grazing (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Nativity Song, The (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- O Holy Night (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- O Little Town of Bethlehem (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- O Tannenbaum (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- Oh, Come All Ye Faithful (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Oh, Hush Thee, My Baby (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Once in Royal David’s City (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Once Within a Lowly Stable (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Picture a Christmas (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Praise Be To Jesus Christ [Gelobet seis du Jesu Christ – Bach] (Classical Christmas)
- Rejoice, Rejoice [Johann Michael Haydn] (Classical Christmas)
- Ring, Christmas Bells (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)
- Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Shepherd’s Carol, The (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Silent Night (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Sleep, Little Jesus (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Stars Were Gleaming (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- We Do Worship Thee (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- We Hail Thee With Rejoicing [Mozart] (Classical Christmas)
- What Child is This? (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- What Star Is This? [Praetorius] (Classical Christmas)
- When Joseph Went to Bethlehem (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)
- Whence is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing? (An Ancient Carol organ prelude)
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- Who is the Child? (Christmas organ preludes, vol. II)
- With Wondering Awe (Christmas organ preludes, vol. I)